Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hands On Science Fun ! !

Last week in Gan, Heidi talked about the different habitats of different animals. This week, she told the children that they would be working  in teams to build the animals' homes.
A squirrel's home is called a drey.  Heidi had the materials ready for one team to  build the drey.
Govind, Alex and Daniel followed Heidi's model and made the squirrel's drey  in a small barren tree. It took the boys awhile to plan together and organize the branches, and when their work was complete they were tired! Heidi made us all think when she reminded the boys, "You have your hands to do the work, and squirrels have to use their teeth!"
The Satin Bower Bird builds a nest by using long branches and blue things such as ribbon.
Patrick and Saul are using long branches to build  the nest, but where would they get something blue.
Super Hero Jake comes to the rescue!
A beaver buids a lodge by swimming with all the things in its  mouth. Just as with the squirrel it is hard work!!
All the girls decided to work like beavers.  Heidi had enough materials  for three lodges.
Zoey is mixing soil with water.
Briana and Amelia add branches and leaves while Noor gets more soil. The girls are busy as they build their lodge, but look at those smiles!!
Emma is carrying the branches as Zoey mixes the soil, and
Charlotte is building the branches into a lodge. "Busy as a beaver" was quite true of our industrious girls!
We read Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Doctor Seuss.  Then we made our own oobleck!
Jake is adding blue and yellow fizzy tablets while Daniel watches the water turn green.
Patrick is watching the same thing.
Carefully pouring in the water

and mixing the water into the cornstarch.
Zoey - "This is the world's funnest  time!"
Noor - "It's a great time at school!"
Briana - "This is so sticky!"
Charlotte - "It's sticky and slimy!"
Daniel - "Look at my green hands!"
Jake - "This is the best day!"
Alex - "It is so gooey"
Patrick - "It melts when you squeeze it."
Suri - "This is silly and fun!"
Amelia - "This feels like funny goo."

Saul - "It's like my hands have scales."
The children thoroughly enjoyed this  activity as you can see from all the pictures!  (If you want to try it at home use 1 pound of cornstarch and about 1 cup of water.  Mix gently and see if you need more water. You can add food coloring or keep it white.   Just put some towels under whatever bowl you use to mix.  The cleanup is surprisingly easy!)

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