Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Else Did We Do?

The shofar was the inspiration for the children's art.

Using a black marker and oil pastels, the children added curves and vivid colors to make their shofars.

Our A kids, Amelia and Alex, holding apples.

We play a lot of games in our class.  Counting the dots on the die and moving that many spaces is an easy way to develop one to one correspondence. 

Govind was lucky to land on the ladder so his team could "climb" ahead.  And sure enough, this team won. 

Being a gracious winner or loser is the ultimate goal of our game playing.  Here you see the winning team giving silent cheers.

The losing team is getting ready to slap their knee and say "Gee willikers!"

Cheryl was very pleased that the class knew the names of each fruit that they would be using in their Harvest Salsa.

Dicing all the fruit was a terrific upper body workout !

Learning about Rosh Hashanah always involves  dipping apples into sweet honey.  How clever were these girls to take an apple and a bee pointer and play together!

Another example of bees and apples.  Saul's placing these concrete manipulatives on the black numeral cards, making sure he's counted just the right amount.

Daniel and Alex were very interested in the habitat of  Spikey, the lizard, in the science room.

At the conclusion of our lesson in gan, Heidi took us to feed the chickens. Several of the children hesitated going into the coop because they thought that the chickens would peck their feet. We were happy to see that when, Heidi's instructions were followed they could experience the chickens without  worry.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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